Digital marketing has mostly done away with offline and more traditional marketing methods. One of the key areas of digital marketing is email marketing.
In this post, I am going to show you the benefits of email automation and what it can do for your business.
1. Stay Connected With Your Customers
I plan most of my content 3-6 months in advance. That doesn’t mean to say it is set in stone, but I have a framework of emails from which to use. If you know you have a busy season coming up and don’t want to spend time writing emails, then spend time NOW writing the emails for later. Most email software allows you to schedule your emails in advance and drip feed it to your audience.
2. Personalised Email Campaigns
One of the features you must take advantage of is that you will be able to send personalised campaigns. I went through the benefits of personalisation in an earlier post, but by personalising the subject or the greeting in your emails will not only increase open rates, but also allows you to develop a relationship with your email list.
3. Target Your Customers
When posting on Instagram, Facebook and especially Twitter, you are competing with numerous posts from other businesses and individuals. You are one fish in an ocean of posts! However, there is far less competition in email inboxes, and you’ve more chance of getting in front of their eyes!
4. Increases Visibility
Most people regularly check their emails and even if they don’t read your email, they will still glance over the title or the subject of it and know that you are emailing them; which in turn increases the visibility of your business. Over time, when you keep on sending personalised emails, more people will be able to recognise your brand and feel connected with it/you. Ultimately, they are more likely to consider buying products or services from you as they feel as if they know you.
5. It’s inexpensive!
When compared with other marketing techniques or strategies, email marketing is relatively cheap! Email software, is, in many cases is free or less than £20pm. There are lots on the market but click here to view our review of Flodesk v Mailchimp.
Email marketing is an efficient way of bringing all your customers together and make them familiar with your products and services. Being a completely automated process, it is much better than the conventional email marketing techniques as once it is set up, there is very little you need to do.
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